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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Welcome to 4-H in the classroom! Learn more about in-school programs that include curricula, kits and hand-on activities designed to meet Ohio's academic content standards in science, math, social studies and language arts.


Real Money. Real World. (RMRW) is a financial literacy program for youth from Ohio State University Extension.  It can be used with youth ages 12 – 18 but is ideally suited for youth ages 13-16.  This curriculum is time tested and has been highly successful because of the creative community efforts of Extension educators, local school teachers, and community volunteers.

Ohio State University Extension is actively working to prepare youth for their financial futures by partnering with schools to provide Real Money. Real World.  (RMRW).  Over 19,000 Ohio students participated in RMRW in 2014.

This financial literacy curriculum has been time tested since 2005 and has been highly successful because of dedicated teachers and Ohio State University Extension professionals.

RMRW provides young people the opportunity to learn basic money management practices in the classroom and then make simulated lifestyle and budget choices similar to those adults face on a daily basis through a spending simulation.   RMRW is a great example of “learning-by-doing”.

The most preferred and successful Real Money. Real World. programs are partnerships with the county OSU Extension office, the school, the business community and other caring adults who volunteer at the spending simulations.

For more information or to schedule Real Money. Real World (RMRW) for your classroom, contact Adrienne Anderson at 740-670-5315 or email her at:


Other Classroom Programs:

The science-based programs listed below are available to Licking County teachers. In-class presentations are interactive and include hands-on demonstrations and materials for your students.

Schedule a classroom visit . . .
An annual $10 fee per teacher includes all materials, with an additional $10 fee for the Chick Embryology program or Go Plants grow kit. For more information on scheduling a program or obtaining a curriculum guide, contact Adrienne Anderson at 740-670-5315 or email her at:

4-H School Enrichment Programs:

  • Good Vibrations - the Science of Sound:  Students explore how vibrations create sound, discover how sound waves travel and find out how sounds change when teams make different-sized kazoos. Recommended for grades K-2.
  • Geodiscovery:  Introduce your class to GPS technology - they will learn how to use a GPS unit and discover geocaching, a techno-treasure hunt designed around one of your classroom units. Recommended for grades 3-8.
  • Weather Together:  Learn about the science of weather through hands-on experiments and activities. Students explore the influence of sunlight, gravity and moisture on the atmosphere, what causes different types of weather and how to forecast climate changes. Recommended for grades 3-5.
  • Rockets Away!:  3-2-1 . . . blastoff! Students explore the science of rocketry with a variety of experiments and activities that include construction and launch of 2-liter bottle rockets. Recommended for grades 4-8.
  • Go Plants!:  Seeds, roots, stems, leaves and flowers - the science behind plants sprouts with hands-on activities where students can sort and sprout seeds, understand the growth of roots and explore the life cycles of plants. Recommended for grades 3-4.
  • Team Up For Good Nutrition:  Your class will work together to learn healthy food choices, positive eating habits and how to promote overall good health. Students can team up for nutrition role plays, learn to read and understand food labels and participate in a classroom-based supermarket scavenger hunt. Recommended for grades 3-4.
  • Science Sleuths:  Students learn about observations and inferences through hands-on science inquiry. A "Cookie Quest" helps them discover the importance of accurate observations, and on day two a partner activity and making flubber guides students through following directions. Recommended for grade 4.
  • Invent:  George Washington Carver serves as the role model for this program that focuses on invention, creative thinking and analysis. Explore the contributions of African-American inventors and their impact on our world today. Students learn about polymers by making flubber, create an invention team code and use teamwork to problem solve. Recommended for grades 4-8.

4-H School Enrichment Classroom Kits:

The fee for the following kits is an additional $10 (along with annual 4-H School Enrichment fee of $10) for up to two kits per school year and may be kept for one month.

  • Chick Embryology:  Learn all about life cycles when your class hatches chicks. Kit includes incubator, warmer, books, posters and activities. Available March, April and May.
  • Go Plants!:  This kit features a tabletop grow light, seeds, plant chart, books and activities.


Local literacy initiative that links area students with senior pen pals.

Senior scribes needed!

If you are age 55 or older, consider becoming a Grandletters pen pal. Area seniors are needed in the Fall of each year to serve as pen pals to a class of fourth grade students. You will share your lifetime of experience with children who will tell you what is important to them and really make a difference in the life of a child.

To participate in the Grandletters program, please contact Adrienne Anderson at 740-670-5315 or email her at: